Health Insurance

Adoptive Parents Can Also Experience the “Baby Blues” – Here's Why That means something

Integrating Physical and Mental Health: Positioning Primary Health care providers to Intervene

The quiet phenomenon of post-placement depression underscores the importance of integrating mental health into primary care.

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends that obstetric care providers screen patients for depression at least one time after giving birth. However for new adoptive parents without it crucial point of contact, the main care provider can enjoy an important role recognizing symptoms and coordinating a strategic mental healthcare response.

This exemplifies how the advantages of Blue Cross NC's expertise in whole-person care ripple outward to reach family members, loved ones and communities. Greater understanding of post-placement depression will make sure that adoptive parents don't face these challenges silently and alone.

Currently, there are more than 31,000 children and youth in North Carolina's foster care programs. Integrating mental health insurance and primary care helps ensure that these children as well as their families get the support and care they need at this pivotal moment when new parents are adapting to dramatic alterations in the household. Intensive care management support during transition points is crucial for that long-term well-being of the children and families.

Improving Health Equity Strengthens Families and Our Communities

Together, postpartum and post-placement depression highlight the methods mental and maternal health intertwine. Unfortunately, data inform you that some parents face more challenges accessing the time that promote family well-being.

People of color experience significant disparities in maternal health insurance and mental health. Eradicating these disparities is critical to positive health outcomes for individuals, to the well-being and security of households and also to the vitality in our communities. That is why Blue Cross NC has placed both maternal and mental health in the center of an ambitious push to lessen or eliminate racial and geographical health disparities in North Carolina.

In October, Blue Cross NC committed $2 million to support evidence-based strategies to improve infant and maternal health outcomes, specifically addressing disparities among Black, American Indian and Hispanic communities. Our bold goal would be to decrease racial disparities in maternal and child health care within the state by 50 % in five years – aligning with the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association's national health equity strategy and maternal health goal.

A second prong of investments in health equity will focus specifically on funding innovative approaches to improving and expanding use of behavioral health providers among rural along with other underserved communities.

These grants can help unlock the entire potential of localized resources and organizations best positioned with an impact in the community. In all likelihood, some part of these investments will concentrate on supporting new families through the experience of postpartum or post-placement depression. Why is this so important? Because mental and maternal health are foundational pillars of family well-being. When every family thrives, it's not only individual households that benefit; healthy families hold the answer to North Carolina's brighter future.

A child's opportunity to flourish starts at home, with family. Supporting parents with the experience of depression will ensure that each child includes a foundation firm enough to develop their talents, stimulate their curiosity and support their long-term aspirations.

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