Health Insurance

Ten percent College Students Experiences Homelessness. One NC University is Making a Difference.

It's christmas, as well as for many families, this is a special duration of homecoming, as university students scattered across the state are welcomed back into the fold to enjoy food and festivities with loved ones.

But not every college student includes a home base to return to once exams are done.

One recent study found that another of college students experienced housing insecurity in certain form. Nine percent recognized as homeless. When a student faces housing insecurity or homelessness, this creates a significant barrier to academic success, that could potentially lead to life-long health disparities and chronic conditions.

As part of University of New york at Pembroke's Board of Trustees, I'm particularly proud to see the university I serve do something to deal with this issue head-on. By providing a sense of community and support to those who might feel around the margins, UNC Pembroke's ASPIRE Program is making a difference in young peoples' lives- as well as in the long-term health in our communities.

Making a Difference in Robeson County

Over the last few months, leaders from Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina (Blue Cross NC) have been receiving a listening tour, hearing from North Carolinians who are going “the extra mile” to make our state stronger. At each stop in our ongoing Extra Miles Tour, people in our executive leadership team are ending up in members, non-profit leaders, educators and alter makers in the communities we serve.

On a recent stay in Robeson and Scotland Counties, they visited UNC Pembroke. There, they heard about the ASPIRE Program, which provides homeless students mentorship, community, assistance securing school supplies and other forms of support that will help them keep on track to success. Dr. Tamara Savage, assistant professor in the Department of Social Work, initiated the program a few years ago because she understood the challenges first-hand: She'd experienced homelessness herself while studying at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Today, her work is creating a tangible and significant effect on student's lives.

The Blue Cross NC leaders on this tour stop were keen to listen to much more about this homegrown effort. Why? Because education is really a significant driver of health. As the gateway to job opportunities and economic mobility, academic achievement is strongly associated with better health outcomes, improved well-being and better standard of living.

The ASPIRE Program works as a powerful instance of how relatively modest gestures at the community level could possibly get underserved youth on course to a brighter future. They are able to have an enormous long-term effect on the force of our state.

Every Youth Needs Support Transitioning to Independent Living

Similar efforts to help youth create a successful transition to adulthood are unfolding in communities across the state, and they are not just happening on college campuses.

Open Table is really a nonprofit organization that helps transform communities by helping people with complex needs get the social capital essential for success. With support from Blue Cross NC's Healthy Blue Medicaid plan, Open Table is launching its Table Models in North Carolina.

At the center of this approach is a “table” of volunteers that meets weekly with individuals who're transitioning from foster care. These meetings produce a healthy environment, and help participants move forward with a goal-oriented approach toward independent living. Because they build long-lasting supportive relationships between volunteers and participants, this program helps participants secure better job and educational opportunities.

In Durham, the life span Skills Foundation supports transition-age youth to ensure that their first steps toward independent living are successful ones. Through individually tailored programming, the LIFE Skills Foundation helps those without family or community support networks develop the life skills they need to find success in six key areas: housing, employment, education, health and wellness, financial literacy, communication and network building.

Learning and Well-being Go Submit Hand

Young adults aren't done learning when they finish high school. Whether they will continue to college or begin seeking career opportunities, they're still absorbing the abilities and knowledge that will guide their adult lives. It's not just the data in books that these individuals need. Additionally they should try to learn how to do everyday tasks: budget management, preventative care routines that promote good health, healthy meal planning and food shopping, meeting skills, and so on.

When someone doesn't have a house or a reliable support network, it's significantly more difficult to acquire these indispensable skills. Fundamental essentials skills which will influence an individual's capacity to access the non-medical resources essential to well-being, for example food, transportation, social connections and housing.

Blue Cross NC supports these and other similar programs made to give young North Carolinians an equitable shot at happiness and good health. Why? Because we are driven by our purpose to enhance the health and well-being in our customers and communities -we won't stop until health care is better for all. We notice that good health depends upon a lot more than what happens in doctors' offices and hospitals. Good health begins in our homes, at our schools and in our communities.

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